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More on the Federal Budget 2019

Easier Access to Scientific Research & Experimental Development Program (SRED)

  • Canadian controlled private corporations (CCPCs) are entitled to a very generous refundable tax credit of 35% on qualifying annual SRED expenditures, up to a maximum of $3 million of expenditures.

  • A CCPC is a private corporation, not public which is traded on the stock exchange, and is controlled by a Canadian resident. A Canadian resident for tax purposes is a question of fact based on residential ties.

  • Before the federal budget, the SRED expenditure limit and resulting tax credit were reduced the higher the business income.

  • After the budget, a CCPC can get this credit irrespective of income.

  • This change also bodes well for companies doing research and development work for climate change.

100% Tax Deduction on New Zero Emission Vehicles up to $55,000

What is a Zero Emission Vehicle?

  • A plug-in hybrid or

  • Fully electric or

  • Fully powered by hydrogen

  • The above vehicles must be purchased on or after March 19, 2019 and before January 1, 2024.

  • Where the cost exceeds $55,000, that balance gets deducted at 30% a year on a declining basis.

Tax on Split Income (TOSI) Rules Here to Stay

  • In line with the fairness of our Canadian tax system, these rules were introduced by the Liberal federal government to eliminate a grey area on family income splitting that was being abused by family businesses paying children and spouses something they were truly not earning. Read more on my blog “Proposed Morneau/Trudeau Tax Changes – What You Need To Know”.

  • The Conservatives wanted to do away with the rules if they had won the election, but they are here to stay.

2019 Combined Federal and Ontario Personal Taxes

  • The marginal tax rates on regular income (i.e. salary, interest) range from 20.05% on the lowest bracket of $43,906 to 53.53% on the highest bracket over $220,000, on capital gains income (from sale of investments) from 10.03% on the lowest bracket to 26.77% on the highest bracket, and on dividend income (distributions to CCPC shareholders of after-tax corporate profits) from 8.89% on the lowest bracket to 47.40% on the highest bracket.

  • The Canadian tax system provides Canadian shareholders with a credit for income taxes paid within the corporation, thereby eliminating double taxation on dividends which still exists in the United States.

2019 Combined CCPC Low Corporate Tax Rate – How Do We Compare to the U.S.?

  • Since January 1, 2018 the federal corporate tax rate in the United States was reduced by President Trump to 21%, but there are also state corporate taxes to consider. Our combined federal and Ontario low business tax rate of 12.5% on the first $500,000 of “active” business income is still lower that the federal rate of 21% in the United States. Read my blog on “Proposed Morneau/Trudeau Tax Changes – What You Need To Know” which explains the reason behind the attractive low business tax rate on “active” business income.

  • It’s good doing business in Ontario!

2019 Salary/Dividend Strategy for Small Businesses

  • Pay a salary to generate sufficient earned income to maximize following year’s RRSP contribution (2019 earned income of $151,278 to make a maximum RRSP contribution of $27,230 in 2020).

  • Additional amounts needed by shareholders should be paid as salary or bonuses until the business income is at the $500,000 level.

  • There is a slight preference for any additional amounts to be paid as dividends if the company is subject to Employer Health Tax. Otherwise pay salary.

Capital Gains Exemption – Thinking of Selling Your Small Business Corporation?

  • The Capital Gains Exemption is now $866,912, an increase of $18,660 from 2018. This means that there is no capital gains tax on the sale of the first $866,912 of appreciation in the shares of your small business corporation if it qualifies based on “active” business tests.

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Dean Constand CPA publishes this blog for information purposes only. Feel free to distribute to colleagues and friends. Although the material has been carefully prepared, it is not a substitute for professional advice.


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